Monday, November 23, 2009

It's Time We Defined Our Generation

I’m Kerouac

Bullshit! I’m Kerouac!

But I’m the one who travels like him

You drove to the Outer Banks

It’s like 10 hours!

It’s not on the road!

I’m Kerouac, you can be Burroughs

I don’t do enough drugs to be Burroughs, have you even read junky?

Fine, you can be Ginsberg but I’m still Kerouac

But I hate writing poetry how can I be Ginsberg?

Jesus! How about Gregory Corso?

Who’s Gregory Corso?

This isn’t working, let’s start again. I’ll be Hemmingway and you can be Fitzgerald.

How are you Hemmingway your sentences are way too long!

You’re an idiot, I’m Hemmingway for sure and you can be Ezra Pound

Again with the hating of poetry

Oh my god! Just be John Dos Passos

That name sounds made up

You make me tired. Last try, I’m Hunter Thompson and you’re Tom Wolfe

Hunter Thompson? Getting a little full of yourself aren’t you?

I’m sticking with Thompson and you get Lester Bangs

Did you really just downgrade me from poet to music critic?

Dark lord give me strength! You get to be Norman Mailer, last offer

I’ll mail you my last offer, and it’s Kerouac

Why do I even talk to you